Jim's Gym - Raheny GAA Clubhouse

Jim's gym is named after Jim Donegan, a founding member of the club in the 1950's. Jim had a big passion for Raheny GAA and wound be delighted that his legacy continues with the 4th generation of Donegan's still playing in the club
Gym access is available to Adult (over 18 years of age) Raheny GAA members who have completed the Online Registration Process, attended an induction session with an approved instructor and paid your annual
The registration process includes a PAR-Q Health Questionaire.
Once registration form is completed you will receive an auto reply
outlining the next steps including induction and buying your own
Access Fob for entry to the gym.
GAA & Club approved Gym Instructors for 2025 are:
Greg Bennett, Harry Cornally, Derek Moore
Patrick Benson, Sinead Beasley, Maebh Conlon
All new members must read the Gym Rules at the bottom of this page
The Live Gym calendar can be copied from this page to your phone;
click on ;+' on right hand side
Team training slots are up to date on live calender
Adult Team Mentors should contact their code Gym Players Reps
for slot enquires
Camogie: Keelin Lambert / LGFA: Siobhan Woods
Football: Liam O'Shea / Hurling: Eoghan Smyth
Metro Fitness (Metro Fitness) classes on Monday and Wednesday
Enquire https://www.instagram.com/metrofitnessdublin
Strong female coaching (Maebh Conlon) Post Natal classes on Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri Mornings
Womans' Strength Classes on Sunday Mornings
Enquires https://www.strongfemalecoaching.ie/classes
As it is your club and your gym; We need the support of members to use it safely, keep it tidy and ensure it remains a top class facility.
If you wish to speak to anyone with designated responsibility for the gym, please contact gym@rahenygaa.ie
The Gym is only for those who have paid their Annual Raheny GAA Club Membership and also the Annual Gym Memberships add-on fee. Entry access FOBS are a once off purchase on line.
• Opening Hours are daily 06:00 till 22:00.
Please check the Gym Calendar on Club Website for bookings and availability. Non-Playing Members cannot join in Team Sessions and must use Gym on other available slots or classes.
• All members must complete the fitness induction, equipment training session and forms, before using the Gym.
• DO NOT SHARE your GYM ENTRY DOOR ACCESS FOB with anybody, its assigned to each inducted member.
• LONE USE of the Gym Lifting Equipment is NOT PERMITTED under any circumstances.
• USE THE EQUIPMENT PROPERLY - Misusing equipment will lead to injury / damage the equipment; follow directions / instructions of use.
Ask an Instructor if you require assistance.
• AGE RESTRICTION - Only inducted persons 18 and over are permitted to use the Gym Facility.
• AGE RESTRICTION – Persons aged over 16 & under 18 can only use the gym as part of an official supervised training session, by a club approved & qualified Instructor.
U16s cannot use Gym Equipment.
• CLEAN THE MACHINE YOU USE – Raheny GAA will not supply towels or wipes, please bring your own. Please respect other users, CLAYGO – Clean As You Go - Carry wipes and/or towel and clean equipment after use.
• PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF – Please ensure no towels, mats or gym equipment are left lying out of place as a trip hazard to other members. If you move equipment put it back where it belongs. Place rubbish in the bins provided and remove personal items from the facility. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING.
• PERSONAL BELONGINGS – Members are responsible for their own belongings and valuables should not be left in the Gym or changing facilities.
• PROPER HYGENIE REQUIRED – In the interests of safety, appropriate athletic attire should be worn while working out. Closed Top athletic shoes required. NO dress shoes, boots or sandals permitted.
• NO GLASS CONTAINERS - Only Plastic or equivalent Drinks Containers.
• NO SMOKING (including e-cigarettes)/ CHEWING GUM or FOOD is PERMITTED.
• Foul language and other disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated out of courtesy to other users , including loud music and excessive of mobile phones.
• When leaving, please leave the Gym clean & tidy, place any rubbish in bins provided, return mats and equipment to their shelves/racks/hooks, turn off machines, switch off lights. We don’t have full time staff to clean the facility during the day. Please CLAYGO.
• Use of photographic equipment (Cameras/Smart Phones/etc.) by members is not permitted. There is CCTV in place inside and outside the gym and clubhouse to ensure your safety and security is maintained by the club and gym management.
• Respect our residential neighbours when entering and leaving the Gym, especially out of hours.
• Use of the gym is at your own risk. It is the responsibility of individual gym users to have in place their own private medical and other personal insurance to cover themselves in the event of injury.
• RAHENY GAA TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY SUSTAINED OR PROPERTY LOST WHILST USING THIS FACILTY, Please immediately report any incidents or equipment malfunction/damage or issues to secretary.raheny.dublin@gaa.ie
For other queries, please email gym@rahenygaa.ie or contact the Clubhouse Management.